ASCCP partnered with CREOG to create educational materials for the 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines.
Module 1, recorded by Dr. Rebecca Perkins, includes an ASCCP Guidelines PowerPoint and is meant to be a one-hour virtual or in-person didactic session to teach the new guidelines.
Module 2, recorded by Dr. Peter Schnatz, includes ASCCP Problem Based Learning cases, featuring 60 interactive discussion slides with 12 cases including screen shots and videos from the ASCCP app used to work through practical management cases. Please share this page for educational purposes.
Special Thank You to:
CREOG Education Committee and Staff
Martin Hechanova, MD
Edward Jimenez, MD
Leah Kaufman, MD
Rebecca Perkins, MD, MSc
Peter Schnatz, DO
Module 1 - 2019 ASCCP Risk Based Management Consensus Guidelines
Module 2 - ASCCP Problem Based Learning Cases