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ASCCP App Quick Start Guide
Scenario #1
A 23 year old who was found to have an ASCUS pap test result with the positive high risk HPV test on our first screening exam. What should we do to find out the next step for this patient?
1) Tap on the management tab.
2) Enter the patient's age and the clinical situation. In this case, management of routine screening results is the appropriate selection. Click the "next" button.
4) Notice now we've moved to a screen where we can enter testing results. In this case, the patient had an ASCUS pap test result and a positive high risk test results. So we enter both of them by simply touching them. We don't have any prior history in this particular case. Therefore, we click “no” for prior history and click “next”.
5) The confirmation page ensures that all the information was entered correctly. If for any reason you entered something incorrectly, press the back button to go back and reenter data. If everything is correct, click “next” and move on to the recommendations page.
6) The last screen shows the guidelines information for this patient. Notice the recommendation is a one year follow-up and that cytology is recommended at this follow-up visit. Algorithms and/or risk estimates are shown when available. References to the published guideline information is also shown.
Scenario #2
A 26 year old patient.
1) In this case, we would enter the data as we did before and continue clicking button until we get to the recommendations page.
2) Notice this recommendation looks different. The recommendation is more than a cytology or HPV follow up. The recommendation is for colposcopy. In the middle of the page, you'll notice that the patient's immediate risk is shown and it's shown in relation to a risk bar with different sorts of followup activities listed. Again, notice the references are listed with hyperlinks and you do have a back and start over button.
Clinical Situations:
- Management of routine screening results: Management of HPV and/or cytology results obtained during routine cervical cancer screening.
- Return visit during pre-coloposcopy surveillance: management of HPV and/or cytology results obtained in patients where prior screening results did not result in colposcopy, but where risk was too high to return to routine screening.
- Evaluation of a colposcopic biopsy: Management of biopsy results after colposcopy.
- Management of results during post-colposcopy surveillance: Management of current HPV and/or cytology results for patients who previously were triaged to 1-year, 3-year, or 5-year follow-up after colposcopy.
- Follow-up after treatment: Management of current HPV and/or cytology results for patients who have previously been treated for dysplasia.
Beyond the Management tab, there are two other tabs.
- Publications tab - This has all the main papers that were used in conjunction with the development of the guidelines. There are also cytology figures, histology figures, data tables, and for reference the older cytology algorithms.
- Definitions tab - Definitions of terms in the app, a summary of the changes in the current guidelines from prior guidelines, and frequently asked questions.