The deadlines outlined below must be met in order to present your poster and have your abstract printed in the Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease:
1. January 31, 2025 – Accept the invitation and its terms and conditions.
2. February 28, 2025 – Register for the scientific meeting. *Early Bird rate expires January 31, 2025!
3. March 14, 2025 – Upload your poster pdf file to our Dropbox Folder
Thank you for accepting ASCCP’s invitation to participate in the upcoming CME activity, ASCCP’s 2025 Scientific Meeting on Anogenital & HPV-Related Diseases being held at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina on April 24-26, 2025 and online from May 5 - June 30, 2025. This document serves as an agreement between Scientific Meeting posters presenters and ASCCP. Information about the activity and details of the commitment are outlined below.
- Poster Display Dimensions: 4 feet wide by 8 feet high display
- (44"H x 72"W usable surface)
- Think "quality" when you put your poster together. A poorly and haphazardly put together poster reflects negatively on the authors and the institution they are from.
- The text should be large enough such that it would be readily readable at a distance of 5 feet from the poster. Appropriate text sizes are:
- Title: 85 point
- Authors: 56pt
- Sub-headings: 36pt
- Body text: 24pt
- Captions: 18pt
- Note that sans-serif fonts (e.g., Arial, Helvetica) are easier to read than serif fonts (e.g., Times Roman)
- Organize the material in a sequential columnar (top-to-bottom/left-to-right) format as opposed to a row-wise format (left-to-right/top-to-bottom).
- For Poster discussions, be prepared to interact with any interested attendees.
- NO video standalone equipment, iPads and handouts are ok if present.
Click here to download the poster template file.
Posters will be displayed in Pacific A-B of the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina.
Poster displays should be mounted and removed during the designated times listed below. The posters will be displayed beginning Thursday, April 24 at 6:30PM - Saturday at 1:30PM. If you cannot attend the entire meeting, your poster will remain up throughout the duration for attendees to look over. Any displays remaining after the designated take down time will be discarded.
ASCCP Staff will print and mount your poster using push pins.
- Deadline to submit completed poster pdf to ASCCP is March 14th!
- Upload your poster pdf file to our Dropbox Folder
Authors will be required to be present at their poster display at the designated time during the General Poster Presentation session, in order to interact with attendees. Time assignments will be provided closer to the event.
Poster Session Schedule
- Poster Area – Pacific A-B
- Authors will be required to be present at their poster display during the designated time of the Poster Discussion sessions in order to interact with attendees.
Practice Time
- Thursday, April 24 – 4:30PM-6:30PM
Take Down Time
- Saturday, April 26 at 1:30PM
Poster Presentation Hours
- Thursday, April 24 – 6:30PM-8:00PM (Welcome Reception)
- Friday, April 25 – during breakfast, lunch and AM & PM Breaks
- Saturday, April 26 – during breakfast, lunch and AM Break
Poster Presentations - Floorplans
All poster boards will be numbered. To assist with locating your poster, we will assign you a posterboard number and will post a detailed floor plan of the Poster area onsite.
In order to present your poster and have your abstract included in the Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, you are required to register by February 28, 2025 for the 2025 ASCCP Scientific Meeting. We encourage you to register for the entire meeting in order to be available to answer questions during exhibit breaks. Please note, however, that if you cannot attend the entire meeting, you must register for at least the Welcome Reception Only registration ($250). Contact to register for the Welcome Reception Only.
Travel is not covered for abstract presenters at this meeting. Presenters will not receive an honorarium for speaking at this meeting.
Video and photographs taken at the Scientific Meeting may be used in future ASCCP marketing, promotions, advertising, online meeting education, and social networking campaigns.
The ASCCP is committed to upholding the highest standards of excellence in an academic community. The ASCCP is enriched by valuing diversity, which encompasses recognizing and supporting the experiences, identities, ideas and perspectives of individuals from all groups of people including those of different age, socioeconomic status, ability/disability, ethnicity, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, culture, or any other identity and experience. To promote these values, the ASCCP is committed to using inclusive language that is sensitive to differences; avoids prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination; and avoids the exclusion of some individuals from being seen as part of a group. The use of inclusive language promotes respect for all people and avoids confusion and the promotion of false ideas. ASCCP publications and presentations should be free from bias, for example, using “chair” or “chairperson” instead of “chairman.” Language should include gender-inclusive descriptions of people when referring to individuals undergoing cervical cancer screening and management (for example, "people who have a cervix" rather than "women"). For further guidance on the use of inclusive language, you can find ASCCP recommended resources HERE.
The ASCCP is committed to ensuring that our members act respectfully and with civility during our annual Scientific Meeting, the social events we sponsor, and in the conduct of our professional lives. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of decorum and aspire to be leaders who value fair treatment of others and have high regard for the differences that we each bring to this meeting and to our workplaces, as well as to the world that we share. We will not tolerate acts of bullying, discrimination or harassment of any kind. During our meeting please carefully consider your speech and actions, to protect each other from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and language.
If you are being harassed at this meeting, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have related concerns, please contact any member of the ASCCP staff or Board immediately.
By accepting to speak at the ASCCP 2025 Scientific Meeting on Anogenital and HPV-Related Diseases, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to follow all expectations outlined in the Scientific Meeting Poster Presenter Agreement above.