February 19, 2020
Dear Members,
Supporting our mission of prevention and treatment of HPV-related diseases, ASCCP announces a call to members recommending HPV vaccination for clinicians routinely exposed to the virus.
This recommendation encompasses the complete provider team, including but not limited to, physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, residents, and fellows, as well as office and operating room staff in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology, family practice, gynecologic oncology, and dermatology.
In 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a supplemental application for Gardasil 9, expanding the approved use of the HPV vaccine to include persons aged 27 to 45 years old. While there is limited data on occupational HPV exposure, ASCCP, as well as other medical societies, recommend that members actively protect themselves against the risks.
As the leader in anogenital and HPV-related diseases, ASCCP will continue to research and educate you on the potential health risk from HPV exposure.
Colleen K. Stockdale, MD, MS Mark H. Einstein, MD, MS Warner K. Huh, MD
2019-2020 ASCCP President 2019-2020 ASCCP President-Elect 2019-2020 ASCCP Immediate Past President