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  • On-Demand Webinars (Non-CME)

    Webinars On-Demand
    Sep 30, 2019
    Cervical cancer screening programs are effective in the prevention of cervical cancers and have decreased rates in the US where it is available. Central to screening is colposcopy, the use of a binocular microscope with illumination to carefully visualize the cervix and upper vagina. Despite its widespread use, its diagnostic ability is limited by poor sensitivity and inter-observer reproducibility. In 2017, the ASCCP attempted to address these limitations by creating standards for the procedure including: terminology, number of biopsies, and how the procedure is performed and documented. The guidelines were meant to be translatable to a varied audience and adoptable widely. This webinar reviews the 2017 Colposcopy Standards.
    Webinars On-Demand
    Jun 26, 2019
    There is new information on HPV Vaccination including changes in the ages of recommendation and changes in view of other cancer prevention including head and neck cancer. There is population based data from other countries that have ramifications for US providers and patients. Additionally, there are new understandings on the immune mechanisms behind HPV vaccines.
    Webinars On-Demand
    Jun 26, 2019
    Cervical cancer screening has had significant impact on the reduction of cervical cancers and mortality from cervical cancer in countries where screening programs have been effectively implemented. However, cervical cancer remains a significant health concern for women worldwide, and existing screening programs can still be improved upon. This webinar will discuss the history of cervical cancer screening and its shortcomings to provide context for emerging recommendations in cervical cancer screening. The use of HPV as a primary screening tool will be discussed, including the recent United States Preventative Services Task Force recommendations for cervical cancer screening.

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